Our Product Code Stories
We not only make simple, effective products that support hard work and adventuring spirit, we celebrate that spirit, too. So every Fieldworks product carries a product code number that honors:
- places discovered
- structures built
- and other amazing feats of people, and their pets.
Here are a few of the stories that inspired us:
Commemorating the year the Works Progress Administration was established, putting tens of thousands of Depression-era Americans back to work.
Learn more about Good Clean Mud, Product No. 1935
Learn more about the great construction projects we have to thank them for

Learn more about Work Horse Muscle Balm, Product No. 1849
Learn more about the back-breaking work of the "Forty-Niners."

Feet of Endurance Protective Foot Balm, Product No. 1872
Construction of the Hoover Dam took the labor of 21,000 men. Today it remains a potent symbol of the rugged, indefatigable spirit of the American worker.
Learn more about Weather-Ready Hand Repair, Product No. 1930
Learn more about the harrowing construction of the Hoover Dam
When Sir Ernest Shackleton's ship capsized in the Antarctic ice in 1917, he and his men spent a year stranded on the Antarctic ice. In the end, he delivered his men home safely. He's been a legend ever since.
Learn more about Another Close Shave Gel, Product No. 1917
Learn more about the kind of leadership it took to get his men home from a year trapped on the Antarctic ice
The first flight across the South Pole in 1929 would have been plenty enough adventure for most men. But not for Admiral Richard E. Byrd. He was also the first to fly across the North Pole, and he led four more polar expeditions. His exploits earned him more than 20 citations and special commendations—nine for bravery and two for extraordinary heroism.
Face of Danger After-Shave Elixir, Product No. 1929
In 1677, explorer Louis Hennepin became the first person to chronicle the majesty of Niagara Falls for European audiences. And thus sparked the beginning of our love affair with one of the world's most magnificent waterfalls.
Hose Off Body Wash, Product No. 1677
At 1,046 feet, the Chrysler Building in New York is the tallest brick building in the world--a record set in 1930 when it was completed, and still held to this day. Just as impressive: every one of its 3.8 million bricks was laid by hand.